Parking tariff analysis Monit Data
Mobility trends 2024 parking data
Monit Data and Open Source software
Automatic ticketing system for APCOA Germany with MeldMan by Monit Data
Monit Data analyses mobility trends 2023
Parking after corona - an analysis of the differences between 2019 and 2023.
Less cash in favour of an abundance of mobile parking data. Monit Data researches parking payment trends 2023.
A survey among business motorists and the latest trends by industry experts in the challenges in business parking
Parking and the ‘new normal’ - a data analysis

Parking and the ‘new normal’ – a data analysis

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After more than 1.5 years of living with Covid-related measures in the Netherlands, the 1.5 meters social distancing rule was abolished at the end of September. Life returned to the 'old normal' and the situation looked on the up for a while.…