

Parking tariff analysis Monit Data

Parking fees as a policy tool

24 July 2024/by menno verschuur
Mobility trends 2024 parking data

We are only at the beginning of the data revolution

11 July 2024/by menno verschuur
Monit Data and Open Source software

Monit Data and Open Source software

6 June 2024/by menno verschuur
Monit Data is NPP National Parking Platform ready

Monit Data is NPP ready

16 May 2024/by menno verschuur

Monit Data is at Parkex 2024

2 May 2024/by menno verschuur
EV Infrastructure parking Intertraffic 2024

More EVs, more challenges for infrastructure and parking

9 April 2024/by menno verschuur
City of Middelburg introduces the Parking Monitor by Monit Data

City of Middelburg introduces the Parking Monitor by Monit Data

10 March 2024/by menno verschuur
Automatic ticketing system for APCOA Germany with MeldMan by Monit Data

Better ticket management with MeldMan

20 February 2024/by menno verschuur
Monit Data receives ISAE Type II certification

Monit Data receives ISAE 3402 Type II certification

22 January 2024/by menno verschuur
Monit Data analyses mobility trends 2023

2023 – a year of growth for the car

15 January 2024/by menno verschuur
Parking after corona - an analysis of the differences between 2019 and 2023.

Parking after corona – back to old trends?

29 November 2023/by menno verschuur
Monit Data Parken 2023 Wiesbaden Bundesverband Parken e.V.

Monit Data is at Parken 2023

23 June 2023/by menno verschuur
Less cash in favour of an abundance of mobile parking data. Monit Data researches parking payment trends 2023.

Payment trends in parking: less ‘cash’ in favour of an abundance of ‘mobile’ parking data

18 May 2023/by menno verschuur
Monit Data Parkex BPA 2023 Birmingham exhibitor

Meet Monit Data at Parkex 2023

11 May 2023/by menno verschuur
Tilburg introduces digital bicycle parking with VTAG by Monit Data

City of Tilburg introduces VTAG Digital Bicycle Parking by Monit Data

13 February 2023/by menno verschuur
A survey among business motorists and the latest trends by industry experts in the challenges in business parking

Flexible parking as solution for business mobility

20 June 2022/by menno verschuur
Monit Data receives ISO27001 certification

Monit Data receives ISO 27001 certification

6 June 2022/by menno verschuur
Meet Monit Data at Intertraffic

Meet Monit Data at Intertraffic 2022

25 March 2022/by menno verschuur
Monit Data ISAE 3402 renewal

Monit Data renews ISAE3402 certification

26 January 2022/by menno verschuur
ParkeerService offers more transparency in parking payments with new automatic audit

ParkeerService offers more transparency in parking payments with new automatic audit

14 December 2021/by menno verschuur
Parking and the ‘new normal’ - a data analysis

Parking and the ‘new normal’ – a data analysis

7 December 2021/by menno verschuur

Meet Monit at the ‘Vakbeurs Mobiliteit’ 2021

16 November 2021/by erik